sit alone in the world
like the dead always do
watch them go on with there lives
its really nothing new
because its pointless
to try and show your there
because the people that suround you
rarly ever care
you are the dead among the living
and the shadow in the light
you dont have an opinion
so you can never put up a fight
a waist of space
worth npthing real
just a lifless being
to for gone to feel
tell me about it i still write and no one knows ne way nice poem
Why do you think no one reads your shit? I do! You never read mine or talk to me so I don't know why I care to but I do. Everytme I see your mom I ask her right away how everyone is doing, namely you. I hope I can see you sometime and we can party and have fun just like old times....well....not old times....really old times. lol. Not baracaded on the other side of the room old times but....I dunno....but years after that? Yeah....something like that. -hugs- I miss you more then you know.
... as said in name
is this about me? cuz it hits me dead center.... and i read them
thats how I feel alot...but u know that...and people do read these poems unless im not a people, that would be weird...
More Human than Humans