Shes says the truth:Is found in a book that she always reads, called "walking in god word (through his promises)...
Im fishing threw his word trying to find out what she see's in him and why she no longer speaks....
and why she no longer breathes, or why cant she talk to me!
and why cant he talk to me...
and why he created me blind
not physically but mentally
see why everyone cries ....
in the church with there hands up high
And they walk around with all this pride...
knocking on my door, and feeding the poor on a supernatural thing that i dont have a passion for...
I miss that part of my life that you have tooken from me
I want to be with her
Can you show me...what you need me to do
Make me believe in YOU!
Clear my sight with me reading the truth
People say "Shes finally walking with god",
and i hope its true...
so please make me believe in you!