My Mom

God has sent me an angel from heaven above, someone who shows me unconditional love.
An angel that radiates compassion and grace, shining forth from her beautiful face.
Unaware of the beauty she possesses, she shines like the sun in the sky.
A rainbow of brilliant colors, more beautiful as time goes by.
Her words of reassurance and hope transcend all time and space, engulfing me in their sweet embrace.
A gift from God is what she is to me, a treasure so rare and pure, perfect beauty.
Mom, you are in my prayers as I go to sleep every night, I pray that God will protect you and hold you tight.
In his sweet embrace you cannot fall, for his grace and perfect love conquer all.
So, I ask him to walk with you hand in hand, protecting and loving you as God only can.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem a few years ago, and always intended to frame it and give it to my mom. I never got around to it until this past Christmas. I framed it and gave it to my mom for a Christmas gift. My mom is truly my best friend and I couldn't imagine my life without her in it.

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grantrizmo2002's picture


Very thoughtful piece. Great flow. Youll find if you space out your work alittle, youll get more reads. You have a gift. Make people wait in anticipation!! Lol


lkline's picture

Thanks for the feedback. How

Thanks for the feedback. How would you recommend I space out my work? Let me know so I can give it a try. Thanks!
