

i heard a shot from the providence.
the principles of politics -
could i pay the price for what i need to know?
could it be so pure? could it be so lovely?
is the truth just so beyond above me?
could you substitute my fear with love?


....nothing feels real - could it be that i've already died?
life is an illusion. love is all that's mine.
time is nothing precious. it's made up in my mind.
God's the truest essence. invisible divine.
so time is what we make it. we pass through broken chimes.
the sounds we make reflect until infinity will cry.
carbon copied programs. my mind is all but sly.
my soul feels so ashamed to fit inside this frame.
i can't transcend the distance with a brain that blocks my mind.
california glistens. the shiny plastic sky.
safe to bet the in-betweens are hollow as the lines.

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allets's picture

I Feel This Way On Occasion

  At 65 goimg on 98 I ask that question each morning. Did I die overnight? If so, this heaven looks surprisingly like my life. A bravo kinda line that. Enjoyed the reading - dense images, truths in and between the lines :D - slc



KindredSpirit's picture

there is something to your dichotomy

The last two lines explain a lot.


Keep on