Can you hear it
The voices in the winds of change
They say can you feel it
The changes in the air as of late
Yes Bobby Dylan
The times they are a changing
But what kills me
Is the more we change
The more we stay the same
But can you tell me
Just whose to blame
Is it that too many believe in hate
Or that too many teach hate
As a part of life everyday
It still kills me
That people choose to live that way
I can't understand how anyone
Could choose to live hate
When it is so much better to tolerate
and accept those who are different
For the beautiful souls they are
No matter how far
We let ourselves fall
I will always believe
Because we can change this
You and me
If only we believe
In that peace
Far too few are able to see
An eye for an eye
Has left us blind
But positive change can be
If we just
For once
Finally learn to see