The Rise Of A Tyrant Destined To Fall

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Rise of a tyrant
Destined to fall
Just like all
That before him

Has come
The story 
As old as time itself
Remains the same
Playing with his people
Like they are just
Pawns in his game
Dragging the loyal and blind

Down to a hell
That has been written 
Far too often in History
And nothing will ever be the same

Country full of sheep
Fighting each other
For the sake of his power
He is determined to keep
Thinking he can do better than those
Before him came
In the end he too
Will fall to his own game

Verse 2
Pulling the puppet strings
Of a country so divided 

It is left to wallow
In it's own insanity
No longer free
As they cave to the delusions
Of a madman who claims he is

The only way they ever will be
History seen 
And an ending history
Has already written
Happening again
Knew better
We still let it happen
But what goes up
Must come down
And down we will all come with him
Just like it has already been historically written


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ramonathompsont's picture

sad. just sad

sad. just sad

LittleLennonGurl's picture

Sad and old

Sad and was old before it began.