Hitler Eyes

Song Lyrics

Verse 1

Hitler eyes

That demonize

A country 

That knows nothing

Of unity

But prefers to spend it's time

Bitching and fighting

Instead from history

Actually learning

Kool aid drinking

No time for

Actual thinking

Maga Nazi's 
At attention standing
Their new Hitler in chief
Is now rising
As a madness unforgiven
We are forced to live in


All hail 

Our demon in chief
Bringing nothing  
But hatred and insanity
To a country all too willing to do his bidding
Oh how we will wish
We had let ourselves see
When for us
Judgment day comes calling


Verse 2

Insanity controlling
The lies of the day
Everyone but him
Is always to blame
While the game
He loves to play
Is always the same 
Power by way
Of hate and fear
Over problems
The severity of which
He himself creates
So that he may
Swoop in and save the day
While never actually
Fixing a damn thing
His Hitler eyes 
They love to lie
As the blind continues 
To lead the blind
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My feelings to a T..

My feelings to a T. I Don'T understand why you're making such a Führer over it. People do not see. They just do not see. Keep on fighting the good fight. Well done.