The pursuit Of Freedom ( We Are All People)

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
The insanity

Of the pursuit
Of just being free
Is dumbfounding
To me
We are all people
I mean aren't we
So what is the problem
My dear society
What are we 
Just not getting
Or what are we
Choosing to not get
Based on 
Un founded
That even you know
Is stupid

But won't admit

At this point folks
It's countless schools
Mutiple stores
And multiple nightclubs
Where does it end
What will it take
For us to realize

We are all human

For fuck sake

Verse 2
Karen's on
Every corner

Protesting us
When they know

Nothing about us
But let's be honest
It's not about that
Now is it

They just want 
Someone to hate
So that they
Can justify living their way
But honey no
We are here
And here to stay
Because like you
Awe are people
Who deserve
The same freedoms
As all of you
So Stop trying
Because we will never be
Anything less

Than what we are meant to be



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