Not Who We Have Been

Song Lyrics

Verse 1

Personal tragedies
No one 
But us ever
Truly sees
People around us
Only pretending
To care while

They treat our 

And ptsd
Like we are a disease
Nothing more than
Ticking time bombs
But there is oh so much
More to all of us
We desperately
Wish they would see

Who we are is not

Who we have been
Endured the flames
Of personal hell

Only to emerge 

And better
Than ever
We rise again

Verse 2
Beaten and broken
By things unspoken
We hide
As in silence

We take it all
In stride

Forcing a smile
Trying to

Take an inch

While you 
Take a mile
Try to make a stand
Called too wild
And pushed aside
Never worth
Your while
Don't worry though

We made it through
Much stronger than you


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J-C4113d's picture

With numbered verses and a

With numbered verses and a chorus, are these actually set to music?

J-Called [fka Starward]

LittleLennonGurl's picture

In my head yes

But I don't play and instrument and can't read or write music so unfortunately no. I would like for them to be at some point though.

J-C4113d's picture

Thanks for that

Thanks for that clarification.

J-Called [fka Starward]

LittleLennonGurl's picture

No problem

I actually started out writing lyrics then moved onto poetry then started writing both. So that is why you see both on my profile.