The Rebel And The Conformist


Said the conformist 
To the rebel
Why can't you just
Be like everyone else
Said the rebel
To the conformist

What would be
The point
In that 
Said the conformist
To the rebel
It would just
Be better
If you were a
Good little sheep

Like the rest
Of society
Said the rebel
To the conformist

Better for whom exactly
Said the conformist
To the rebel
Better for everybody

For you and for me
Said the rebel
To the conformist

Better for you maybe

But no way
Is it better for me
Sorry man
But I would rather
Live as me
Than as a blind
Pathetic sheep
The conformist
By this time

Was getting 
Quite irate
He looked at 

Rebel and said
Why do you people

Always have to be

That way
I wish I didn't
Even have to
Deal with you
Why do you 
Rebels have to 
Exist anyway
To which the rebel
Replied with
It's obvious 
Isn't it
We exist
Because we need to
We exist 
Because of you

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