Wanda faith danielle Lohrmeyer

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

i love listing to music and writing poetry, but most of all spending time with my 22 yr old son and my 17 yr old son

I am the mother of three angles two on earth and one in heaven....

Lord I wanted to hold my child on my lap and tell him about you, but since I never got the chance will you hold him on your lap and tell him aboout me?

About My Navel

well it is mine.... and the only one i will ever have ...lol it connected me to my mother and there for the reason I am here

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

the sun always comes out after the rain, and some times we are bless with a rainbow.


Member for
19 years 44 weeks