Can never just appreciate what I have.
Always planning my next move.
Desire so strong to be happy where I am.
Constant insecurities, not sure how I'm supposed to feel.
I wonder if it is possible to ever be healed.
Feeling so alone, in a world so big.
I feel myself slip, loosening the tight grip.
Giving away every part of me until there is nothing more.
Don't care until my heart hits the floor.
Single moments of pleasure seem to make it all worth the intense pain.
Not looking for advice because I know what I must do.
It's just so hard to keep your head up when all you see is untrue.
Look around and realize the constant lies,
Makes it that much harder to get up and try.
The constant disagreement with my heart and my mind.
I can almost feel it when I close my eyes.
Words flow out, covering how I feel.
Pretend just like I should, just to make it real.
Convince myself that I should follow my heart.
Then they constantly tear it apart.
My mind takes over, then the excuses flow in.
This is what I deserve, I am never the one who wins.
Others take and never give,
Never thinking about how I have to live.