Pinocchio's Pedestal

"Pinocchio's Pedestal"

it could not be true

as i stare into the deep blue

a pedestal raised above the calm

he could see farther than anyone

yet he could not move

this can not be true

he saw all that he could drink

the pedestal was actually a brink

the fall was not far

of this he was sure

but a mirror said so much more

he is no Jesus upon the water

he actually steps down much farther

but his neck seem as a giraffe

closer to the greener leaves

or so was thought, he believed

the lake was truth, his pedestal a lie

but he knew that he could fly

he made it all soar so high

did the water ascend unlike lies

or maybe quantum tears disguised

the pedestal's loss of height

coming to face the mirror is hard

water does not break, it ripples

it's undeniable, the truth is not pliable

and lies are duely laced with lead...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem talks of a man upon a pedestal. around him is water: it acts as a mirror that cannot be broken. the pedestal is a lie, an abstraction of the mind. built upon lies and follies, it seemed so much taller to him. yet all the while, staring upon his reflection in the calm sea, he saw his shame. it was the truth

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