Holding our strings
Forcing our every move
Not letting us ever take control
Can't escape
The strings are tied too tight
I break them off
I'm free again!
But in a moment
I'm tied down
Dancing for you
Doing your ever bid
It's a fight to the finish
I never want to be a prisoner
Yet the other puppets help
They bind me by your hands
The victor is always you
I'll never win
Try and fight though I may to escape
Once again I'm bound
A never ending battle
A war I'll never win
I'm fighting for a reason
Fighting for my freedom
But in this battle
This war I'll never win
Everytime I cut the strings
They're imidiately tied again
It's impossible to escape
For you see
The judge you tied him too
He's your king marionette
He can't see the right
He can't be just
You stole his freedom
And turned him to a pupet
Controling his every move
Making sure I get hurt
You know you can't hurt me alone
It takes his hands
So you bound him up as well
And for a while he fought too
But he soon gave in and forgot freedom
And conformed to the marionette mold
I'll never give in though
I'll keep on fighting
You can't hold me forever
Someday I'll win
I'm going to break my strings
I'll free the others too
I'm one you won't keep forever
sweet sooo swet poem.... heart touching and soul kissing dea.. love it
sweet sooo swet poem.... heart touching and soul kissing dea.. love it