A Heart Made of Ice

There it goes I’ve lost it,
The feeling of a warm heart.
It feels like happy butterflies,
But in reality they fly in puke.

I feel sea sick and congested,
With the prideful tears that wallow in my head.
I suddenly feel cold in my chest,
As my heart shatters like a form of ice.

My stomach has dropped down,
It tripped into the abyss of solitude.
Peace and Happiness shot out of the sky.
These Immortal emotions will soon fly again.

The war between good and evil,
And the fight of bliss and sorrow rages on.
My beautiful wings gush with blood,
Due to the sharp edges of a broken heart.

The good thing about a shattered heart made of ice,
Is you can freeze it and restore its form.

Mending the wounds of Peace and Happiness,
And sewing up the gash in my wings.
Conquering the wars and fights,
And restoring the homeliness of a warm heart.

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SSmoothie's picture


thanks I can see much meaning and very poignant imagery in your work! thankyou Cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."