Right now
At the precipice of giving up
As you fall asleep on the couch
when you could be digging into my mind
or writing this with me
You choose
You chose
to be somewhere else
watching an over rated movie with your
hands down your pants
I've been there honey.
We all fall asleep with dreams of getting better
But this particular dream just makes me tired
I give you time
and life happens between the minutes pouring by
There will always be something that
keeps you here and me there
But it's all a test right?
My misery has purpose
that is all that matters
Relationships take work!
So work. and work. and work.
Do it until the soul bleeds
I plan to die this way
in the arms of someone who doesn't see me
But this is who I am, right here, inside these lines
and you don't even want to read them anymore
It's hard to find anyone that does.
Can I steal this? This glimpse into my jumbled mind right now?
Because that really hit home. Incredible.
haha I'm not happy it hit
haha I'm not happy it hit home for you, but I am really glad someone else gets it. :) steal away.
"It is a terrible thing to be so open. It is as if my heart put on a face and walked into the world" -- Sylvia Plath.