Common Ground

I knelt down at your grave and
ran my hands over the headstone
It was blank, like the mystery of your life

I do not know you
I do not know why I was there, touching your things
My knees just kept sinking deeper into the Earth
queer cosmic force
So I stayed,

over two hours
talking to a dead stranger
without an epitaph


You're just an old ghost
making the floors creak
because somehow we connected
somehow I brought you home with me
You are here now
Wandering the planes of the universe
I cannot help you
I do not know anything about you
But here we are...our particles mixing up
I do not know what is real anymore


I suppose you don't either.

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allets's picture

Super Last Line!

Sums it up perfectly. enjoyed much the mixed molecules - be well --allets--



life_used_to_be_lifelike's picture

I thank you :)

I thank you :)

"It is a terrible thing to be so open. It is as if my heart put on a face and walked into the world" -- Sylvia Plath.