Richmond Vs. Australia

I am the mother of all mothers

My dying son lies there, watching ridiculous

t.v. shows

I don't have much, just an

old farm house

a pile of medical bills

and two abmormal children

And sometimes I have God

God sends Brother West to me

Brother West says God is testing my son's faith

I become furious at this, and tell him never

to come near my dying son again

I move to the window

My daughter is down there

leaning against the building killing herself with cigarettes

I am awfully tired now

I had to bury my mother

and now I'll have to bury both of my strange kids

Then perhaps I will live a little,

when it gets quiet and

there is no laughter

and no death surrounding me

I've always burned for Australia

Maybe I will go someday

after all these funerals

they say it is so hot down there

so hot that God has left it, and

moved to the heavens

and basks in the blue, unrelenting sky

I guess I can't blame him

there's nothing but massacres around here

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