
A minimal serenade for

the hand of hands:

take my caustic small talk and

burn it down

you could shed conversation like skin

like peeling potatoes and you'll find the

answer clear as ghost white texture

I found your brain on the side of a wall

I found your legs in a convenient store bathroom

          I can't breathe much deeper

           so if you can't hear me then something

               has murdered your ears deaf

The years are printed in your hair,

soft and styled

                 i could almost touch

                  but i dare not, Eve

yes, in your mosiac, where you taste the fruit and

I leave myself to suffer

another hope cut, stopped

                            by your mouth

There are not just teeth and tongue and jaw

there is a future, an audience

Dance, dance I say to this stupid, soiled non-song

And I will hold your drunken body against

the solid foundation and

tell you

I have prized you.

like a medal.

                shelf and dust. next to the things

                  that mattered most

You could shed love in its simplest form.

And if you did, you'd find love in its most aching moment.

the moment of destitution

                   like the flames in California

We could eat the history like fruit, Eve

Eat until the whole of it was carcassed and rotten

                        But the epitomy of it all

                           will always be written

                             in muffled form

           Break the code.


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