In SloMo

The magic has been sliced, the

similiar way a hand slices the air out of

a moving vehicle

And you can hold it through this familiar dream

Five days ago, I hit the abyss of second thoughts and

what ifs

And my heart choked from the entanglement of certain

words coming out of certain mouths

A new roof under a new town does not change the

idea that you did not say I can't. You did not

say not now.

If you turned on that lamp, you would see a

girl rabid in suburbia

                      caught up in that little red dress

Or you would just see two hands, groping for that thin

air that has brought me here, and kept you there.

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RainerBukowski's picture

I understand this poem...

It's like a love song, with the guitar resonating the same, ambient sound that rings out beauty, puts you in a trance, with that one phrase repeating, repeating, repeating in your head.

It's a love song.
And it's brilliant.