Madison's Grip on the Magic Chest

Can't put a finger on it

It starts in the blood and

clogs in the throat

Two thumbs encircle themselves

Three times forwards

Five times backwards

Like stirring Koolaid

What was found still goes untold

There was a great bursting of eye vessels

and that girl can't see the forrest through the trees

She says that love is just malignant.

It is nothing else.

Two weeks ago it was life.

Two weeks from now it will be bread crumbs.

Thousands of them at that. Leading to the

bigger picture.

An epitaph, perhaps.

Or a better reason for living

Malignancy can do that.

The magic chest has endured the stillborn cycle of

the metaphorical itch of unsolvable puzzles

Sing her a riddle and she'll bleed from the ears and

curl up like a fetus

Maybe words will be words someday, minus their

underlying stitch.

Stomp the imagery with your stolen hospital socks.

It's the same as watching a tick explode on your front porch.

Finially, a promise that can be kept, quite literally and very unstenched

Madison's grip on

that ungrippable magic chest.

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I like this. Its very cryptic but you do write so well that all your stuff is always a very enjoyable read.