Empathy Vs. Sympathy

Hambre del Alma


Red moon 

She cuts her own throat open 

Bares her weeping eyes to me

I am no stranger to


the ebbing course 

of nature 

She gives. 

She takes. 


Next day-

I wander in the open 

Succumb to

the madness,

it’s endless, clawing retreat

I am no one at all

I am

every single piece of you 

Me. We. 


There is music,

something calling to us

Heat collects 

I imagine things

seemingly impossible-

rattlesnakes in the trees

I shiver and shake

Souls are breached 

We crack open 

We drop like flies


we come apart like a long 

forgotten pressed flower


Something still calling...

Someone has questions

I answer 

Holding one ear closed 

I focus in on screams

I let you down 


Some of us 

heavy with grief

Others, thick with laughter


It means the same thing 





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allets's picture


Fiund you after years gone - encire like this - style check, imagery check, continuity, thematic unity check check! Encore! Stck around - I'm noveling big time. Ttyl 



sootyash's picture


This was good. I like your style. 

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