Sucked Salt/Habibti

The Letters





my love,

 my darling, 

There was a time 

we had danced to rhythm reeds 

and shallow drums

our borrowed time with our

bodies twining 

like fingers in the air 

I sucked the salt right off

your unclean mouth


Then, stood up dripping 

blood and river mud

I went back under,

watching you wade back to 

the land you so desperately 

wanted to be reborn on


You had stolen things. 

Days. Years.

 Sleep. Even the dreams. 


I’d always been willing 

to rectify the sin

to turn every lying word into

a mound of ash 

to see the black sand beaches

Pour out your mouth 


You had grit and black dust in your teeth afterwards

I left it like that. 

Because the whole world shakes 

when they meet their Gods

And my Gods have never been forgiving ones. 

Yours will be no different,

and each time you open up those arms,

Someone will drown in them. 


I carried my pain right out of that river, Habibti


 clawed my way out of the putrescent debris that loving you seems to make 


I remembered everything. 

   But I now forget. 


I will see you gone 

And my hands...they are not drowning 

They are just waving you off 

My thief my fleeting love my ghost for so long 

              This is your Swan Song 


               We need not ever be looked           upon again

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Stopped By

Epicesque affair - the long goodbye - Enthralling write - allets




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Wow!  How did I miss this

Wow!  How did I miss this one?  This is one of the most brilliant poems of love and loss that I have read in a long, long time.
