Broken Home

Leaving. By Levi C. Thomas



You were laying on the rug,

 Your father wrapped you up in a hug,

The day before he went away, you begged

Don't go please just stay, but he went anyway,

There was nothing you could do, but he held on

To, every last memory of you, and there's nothing,

He wouldn't do to be back here with you, you saw

Him coming and you started running, he sang a song,

You started humming, together once more, you walked through

The kitchen door, and sat down to talk, you talked and talked and talked and talked

Eventually You took a walk, but it didn't matter what had happened

Once again together nothing else could go wrong, so together,

You sang a song and rejoiced in the presence of each other,

Then finally like a child from under the covers, out of her room

Came your mother, she burst into tears at his sight, remembering that one night,

And everything collapsed back in, everything was broken again.

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What a very emotional write

What a very emotional write you have created in this poem. In times past people would make jewelry and ornaments sometimes they'd break them on purpose and other times they broke by accident - these objects including weaponary were thrown away into sacred groves, and off to the Gods they went. The broken objects as offerings because nothing is absolute perfect, but we  must try and make the object as perfect as possible. I hope there is hope for the domestic situation you have described in your poem.levic.thomas's. I love good endings.