A Letter From Fear (The Reply)


A reply to complaint from fear to its charge:

A letter

To grant answer as requested:

This first: why you?

To ask why, my dear,

Is to answer such a question yourself.


Unguarded weakness, vulnerable to my nurturing.

It was not my doing

That you would so anger yourself,

Nor did I ever force any

Of my counsel or comforts upon you

Never at all -

It was you who chose

To accept my offer, and it was you

Who chose this pathway for yourself.

How can you complain

When you admitted yourself

That here it is comfortable

And the world is so cruel?

Surely you don't wish to actually try

And challenge yourself to live

A hard but better life?

Now to the second, dear, I will say:

I never stay longer

Than I am wanted or welcome

But look at your desires with clearer eyes

Do you so eagerly wish me to go?

I have never kept you here, as you imply -

Do you not see

You are a prisoner of choice,

Locked in with the key?

I will reamin

Until you wish me truly gone

And can prove,

Not to me but to yourself,

That you are well prepared

To step outside

Your corner of safety.

With all kindness and consideration in world,

Most sincerely,

Your Fear

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Second in a series of two poems, including this and the letter I wrote to Fear. Originally these two were on document, and were not written as poems. They were written for a writing prompt.

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This series was so awesome. Everyone should write a letter of comaplaint to their fear. These poems were so truthful and human.