I want to cut a hole
Deep into my skin
Deep into my chest
I'll cut it with a grin
I want to cut a hole
So I can see inside
I want to see if I will bleed
I want to see if I'm alive
I once heard a story
About living after dying
I want to see if that is true
I want to see if they are lying
Because there's hurt within
And I want to take it out
The hole will let it pour
Then I'll be happy without doubt
So I shred open my heart
And I look for the pain
I want to find where it starts
I want to find where it has lain
But it buried itself far down
My eyes began to weep
Because I could not find it
Before I drifted into sleep
I slept for years to come
And the hole kept on bleeding
So I guess I was alive
I guess my heart was what I was needing