I lay in bed thinking of
days past
old memories stare
back at me
from captured moments in
moments of care-free
moments that are now
just memeories
to look back on
memories of one
with childlike dreams
and perfect love shining
in their eyes
are looked upon by
an older and wiser young man
eyes empty of that innocence
and fairy tale fantasy of love
for now they are full of the truth...
hardened by the reality
of what is known as the
"real" world
full of knowledge of what
love really is...
I guess it is true...
the eyes are windows
to the soul
open for all to see
and sometimes even judged...
but what happens
when one day they're closed...
Not wanting to
experience the pain
of love lost
of the world that so many
label "real" when it's only filled with
greed and selfishness...
I close each window and
draw the drapes
not granting permission
to anyone...
This is what becomes
of the brokenhearted...
yet I wait for that one
to come along to open the windows
to my soul and rekindle the flame
in my heart...