
Here I lay along again,
my kids with their familys, not including me
The sacrafices I'v made for my children
sometimes I think are insane
The life I want to give them one day
The happiness I stive for,
will they understand one day?
When mom can give them the life they want
Anything they need,
they can come to me.
Is that moment worth all the pain?
The struggle I face everynight; alone
Will I find the man who understands
understands the me I want to be.
Until the day I find him
my kids suffer even more,
I drown myself in my work.
Stay so busy I dont have time to think.
When my head lays on my pillow,
I fall straight to sleep to exaughsted to think.

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And this can change with one

And this can change with one small choice at a time, as a mother I feel your pain, but nothing risked, nothing gained but this I know you and they need you to be there a warm hug and a giggle fills more needs than any trinket or luxury it is up to us to teach this as time is slipping and I thank God I learned my lesson while my kids are still young enough to learn, still hostage to work and dreams of longing but less so. I am there for me now I am all I need and I have become what he and they need. I pray for your release may you find the joy your looking for perhaps while you stop and smell the roses, and he noticing the rose is enamoured by the essence of you ;) hugs SS.

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."