
There's this girl at work who wishes to be called a woman.

She doesn't know she's like everyone else.

She doesn't know that she isn't nice.

She think all she does is for the best, and she is in control of everything.

I blink when she walks by.

I sigh when she points her finger, and turns her nose to the ceiling, believing that she is so much more than us.

She trys to do right.

She never does.

She makes me feel stupid.

But I know I'm not.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

About the girl I sit by at work.

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vipervenomnu's picture

short and to the point. You wrote this when you were angry. You can always tell. Not that you want my advice, but it's best to write the most emotional peices when you are in the opposite state. It will help you to focus and drive your feelings in the right direction. If you have to write down short one line things to remember the moment then structure it later. You could also write a poem like this then come back to it later and revise it. I think it has a lot of potential. BA is that the initials or are you just a bad ass? Maybe it should be called BAMF!