The N Word

No Alexander Hamilton nor Benjamin Franklin
In this Ingraham family tree if intended to be,
Our true founding fathers hold best all ranking
Such as Fredrick Douglas and Denmark Vesey.


Imagine being born in a nation built to be free,
You had to buy liberty for your relatives and self;
Education was forbidden and labor was a decree,
Still we transcended old American commonwealth.


Given us only the most filthy public amenities,
And convicted to crimes for eternal human life;
After we single-handedly sweat away the vanities,
Jim Crow failed to oust dreams for which we strive.


God must have heard our prayers one by one,
Answer them with his precious mercy and grace,
Because we have paved the way for anyone,
Now America is a sanctuary for every other race.


Everyday one of our children falls at hands of drugs,
Whereas, others may die at hands of gang violence;
I know we didn’t introduce the community to such slugs,
To draw in our vivacious blood to moments of silence.


Reality is that we have gotten too far to now pivot,
Recession or not, Tubman and Reecy Taylor had it hard;
Salvage lives of our grandchildren with forgiveness,
That is the way that we succeed when times tear us apart.


N… I… G… G… E… R…

 Was a word of oppression in the past,
Now we know exactly who we really are,
We are going to forgive and be steadfast.


For he who has a humble heart, has control…

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nightlight1220's picture

How true your words are. Your

How true your words are. Your poem is a brilliant example of what is becoming a reality of which i feel very happy about.  I still, though, give due creedence to the words of those who become oppressed by the oppressed which come in all colors. I do not consider myself any specific color, and yet i haave been labeled since birth by my own parents' conditioned thinking...through it, my children and most likely their children labeled the same via the "monster we have created" referred to as the system. i consider myself european, my country of origin is the United States. 


I liked your poem ♡♥♡what stands out the most for me is simply "oppression", "abuse of power", and the unhappiness and self hate of those who enjoy it. i will read some others now. :-) 


Just something i was inspired to write about upon the death of a fellow poet.


Write on!! :-)



...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


poetic-cosmo's picture

Well done

LoveLove love the word play...this that real shit that stimulates my mind...good job


1SP's picture

Thank you for critique

Thank you for your critique