Self Portrait


A lone figure perches precariously in the window

A book in hand,

She sees not the book but stares fixedly at some unknown object.

Emotions flit across her face like dancing butterflies

Pausing for a moment or several only to be chased away by the next.


A girl dances in the rain oblivious to the calculating stares directed her way.

She feels free to do as she wishes,

Their opinions mean nothing to her!

She hears the music and sees the beauty that they disdain.


Surrounded by a few close friends she giggles

Relating the newest events with her crush

She gazes outside of the circle and

Blushes ten different shades of red as she spots her crush.

She hurries over to talk to him

He gives her a big hug and her smile stretches from ear to ear


Eyes glistening with unshed tears she slowly lowers the phone.

Another heartbreaking conversation with one she loves

It promised to be a good talk but in the end all it brought was pain.


Her hair has been curled,

Her eyes sparkle,

She is afraid to sit down, it might crush her dress.

The doorbell rings! The time is here.

She has waited for this magical night forever.

Hours later she stands outside, a solitary figure in the dark

And in the quiet stillness she cries

The bitter tears of disappointment and pain.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for Creative Writing again but I really love this one

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Stephen Di Fede's picture

Bittersweet and beautiful. You do very well creating an image of yourself.

tonitails's picture

this is your best work yet.. poignant, beautiful... i think i know that girl :)~