
Lord Owens

I hate it when you say whatever’s on your mind, regardless of who gets hurt

But I would never want you to feel that you can’t say what you want

I hate it when you point out my flaws

So I point them out first

I hate it when you flirt with other girls, it makes me so mad

But I don’t have a rightful claim to you and it seems I never will have

I wish that you’d give the thought of her up for me

But I’d never give the thought of you up for anyone

It is a web of emotions that never ends

He likes me but

I like you but

You like her

Therefore if he wanted me to give up all hope of you for him

I never would

So why would I expect you to give up all hope of her for me

You wouldn’t

Author's Notes/Comments: 

matt, don't even pretend you don't know who 'her' is

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Rachel Rodriguez's picture

I love this poem. I cannot express how much I can relate to it.