If I caught all the tears I have shed about you
and let them fall into a cup
the cup would be full in and hour or so
it would spill over and splash on to my hands
and run down my arms on to my feet
and it would fill up my room
to the point I might drown
So I opened the door
and they rolled down the stairs
and it filled up the house
and the windows gave in from the pressure they felt
and the tears poured out
and ran down the streets
and filled up the lawn
and drowned all the flowers
It rose up so high that the cars disappeared
and people camped out on the top of their houses
and took row boats to work
and they screamed and they shouted
They thought they went mad cause they could not remember
A single raindrop that fell that September
They searched for the reason
They searched for the cause
When they saw me they said “It’s okay, please don’t cry, we’ll find out why it happened this way”
I wanted to tell them
I wanted them to know
the cause of the flood you created
This poem made me start a flood of my own. *sadness*