He awakes me with breakfast in bed
Says I love you when he gives me a kiss
I love him ever so much
He does keep my heart from breaking daily
He gives me a reason to live with out gifts
Bryon is my knight in shinning armour
He is my life, my world and I love him with all my heart
He wakes me every day with a smile and "I love you"
He says it so many times during the day, and it makes me smile more and more..
He makes me feel so beautiful, and I need that in my life
He gets me when I am down, and makes me smile
He puts laughter back in my life when I need it the most
He can make me smile when I am crying
he can make me smile when I am really down
He is my one and only Valentine..
My darling Bryon, I love you with all my heart and soul...
Our love was founded on friendship and careing for each other. WE have had enough love to share with others.
And I hope it never stops..
I love him and he loves me, with no end in site for our love.