
I see you and I want to cut

I see you and I want to die

Why do you still come around

I no longer want you in my life

I no longer want to see you

I have moved on.

you are not going to mess up my life again.

I made my mistake with you once.. and I will not do it again

I love my boyfriend I will keep him

I love my frineds I wll not let them down again

I love to hate you

This is why I tolerate you

I no longer want you to share my life

I have to share someones life with you for other reasons

but i no longer want you

I no longer like you

I have become a better person

to fall prey to your whims

i feel pain when I see you

I have been hurt badly by you

I want to move on in that sense but can not

Why ? Do I feel so much anger towards you

Author's Notes/Comments: 

02/03/04 Written for Dipshit

View ladydragus's Full Portfolio
Ozjan Yeshar's picture

“Even anger is an energy “. Cheers

Misty Lackey's picture

this poem is moving, straight to the point nice.

Brandi Thompson's picture

Good name for him. I like this poem, I had a feeling I knew who it was about. I do hope you don't cut and if you do (ever) please let me know. I wish he didn't make you feel this way, but I can't do anything, he is Jessica's father. I like this poem, it is beautiful, but sad all at once. Good Job!

Hugs and Kisses to you,
Brandi Thompson