A sparkling jewel in the night

Mackinac Bridge

~A Ponygirl Design~



(Dedicated to all my 'wonderful friends" online and everywhere)

My prayers and good thoughts I send to you my friend,

Although I can't see you in person with my heart I can see you,

We may be separated by the miles, but with love to you my hugs I send,

And no matter what in the future a true friend to you I'll always be

So when you receive my emails please remember that I am always your friend,

Everytime I hear from you or I get one of your emails, I'am really so glad,

Although I can't talk to you one on one or face to face, like I would like to,

Across the many miles I am always here for you everyday, day or night let me add,

In my heart and soul the miles in the end they don't matter, what matters is the love,

Although I can't see you,I can't hug you or with you have a chat and a cup of coffe or tea, I love you,and I know,

That doesn't mean that I can't love you and care for you,and I want you to know that I really do,

In my heart you're more than my email friend, you're like a family member, you're my brother and my sis, you know

So from my very heart to yours, I send you today and everyday all my hugs,my kisses, all my love,

And I thank God so much every day for giving me the gift of 'YOU' my dear friend, a gift from Him,from above!

Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000


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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

Beutiful pick thought it was golden gate at first,absolutely love the music and the piece a beautiful tribute to friendship!