My soul sings Him glories and hymns

To my Lord and my King

And in Him  everyday always rejoices my heart

He stands by me with His Mighty sword and Divine shield

And in Him there's always beautiful story to tell

And with Him there's nothing ever I should fear

He's my Redeemer and my best friend throughly all the way

And He's my Saviour in each and every storm

He's the only One I always cling to from beginning to end

He keeps me so warm with His presence at all time and

I'm completely secured and protected resting

Without a shadow of a doubt all the time beneath His wings

In His Holy Presence I know I shall forever live

He sacrified His precious life so that me and you

We could have the most wonderful chance of

Having in His love and forgiveness eternal life

He suffered upon a wooden cross the

Most terrible and painful of deaths

So that with Him and His Heavenly Father

One day and through His salvation we could dwell

He heals sometimes my broken heart

And fixes together all the pieces for me

He replaces my pain inside my soul with shouts of joy

And He always gives me all His unconditional and divine love!

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