Bathing lights in my dispair
As the day goes down fading the night
Turning my thoughts inside out
Playing along with my confused mind.
Nature smiling is bringing repose
Under the southern blue of your sky
And all creatures staring in wonder
Praising with songs to the glowing sunshine.
What a wonderful thing is to watch
The waves breaking ashore
And then the light diffusing softly
All the shadows upon the worn paths.
Demented shrills of wailing waves
Wingless creatures heavier than air
And softly surrounded your dreaming head
As the evening vanishes so softly away.
The breeze was so spent by winters blowing
With a haunting sound of harpstrings like
At the end of all the line my soul shall
Find itself forever alone.
Sounds alone that from the spirit sprang
In all the glory of the summer sun
Sweeping in colorful circles with all your
Flaming crowns.
Find also in your thoughts a song
In the hushed sound of the moonlight nights
That rises in splendor after the sun goes down
And softly creeps by the sea again turning to dawn!
Sis, I loved the way that you used different things to describe the sea. It was great. Thanks for sharing. GOD BLESS LUV, ANGEL EVE (SIS)