Woman like you
Fucked up men
Smiled in my face
Sustaining the scam
Palms behind your back
Caressing a knife in your hand
As I look at YOUR man…humm
Shit does attract shit
He doesn’t have a real woman
Just an
Chain smoking
Filthy House
Anyone can stay over
1 meal a day eating
Heartless bitch
Lacking morals
Without a conscience
To do the things you do
And not be bothered…???
Acting as if the bum you raised
Can actually be someone’s father
He is your son
Who lacked nourishment
And didn’t blossom
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
How can you praise in him
What you yourself could never be
Yet alone teach
But how to be a LEECH
Suck the next human dry
Of their loving sincerity
Can’t believe I was
That generous
To such slime
Stole so many moments of my life
Lied directly in my face
As I look back on the past
Its crazy because
Your deception
Cannot be traced….
Don’t know when it started
Only its end
Knowing woman like you
Are why
Heartless dogs are bred
How can you look yourself
In the mirror
Wake up every morning
And still breathe…???
Another apple
Falls from a tree
Girl, I love this poem. Speaks of many truths about some mothers not showing their young KINGS the way in which to treat a woman nor respect themselves.
damn say dat then I know thats right this sounds like my babysdad mama
whoa! felt the anger in this one... you expressed it very nicely... very well written girl!