Wondering souls

As they walk around with no destination

We should own them but really own us

Why we contain them theres no explaination

but if we didn't have one, who would make a fuss

Yet they themselves are full of pondering holes

So let it be known we all possess wondering souls

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

Hi Ken, welcome to PP, I see you have a few things listed on your page.Keep writing,if time permits do it daily even if only one piece. I read everything in your list. I see you have great sensativity which of course is the heart of a poet.I see you are from N.Y. I too am but I live in Mass now. I use to be from Lynbrook (Nassau).The more often you post the more you will get to know people here. The majority are really nice and if you come across one who does crappy critiques ignore it. You know the saying ignorance is bliss and plenty of blissful out there.The people here at PP for I'd say 98% are funny,caring and serious about writing and try to relate to one another. I've been writing since age 10 now at 51 unless so sick that I can't I do write daily.I see you are a year older then my daughter too. She writes now and then too.Well in anycase, welcome....