

The moon is whispering

Even though no one could hear

As the tides move in and out,

Her vanishing thoughts

Become visible


The stars are witnesses

Creating songs and stories

That only gods can perform


But as the night goes on,

Knowledge comes to Earth

Flowing like a celestial river


How do I reach it?

My time moves too quickly

And it's getting farther away


But even so, I'll continue on

I'll raise my voice

May it echo in the heavens

So a new dawn

May rise again


But effort is mocked

"You won't reach it," the darkness taunted

I reached out into the void

And grasped in the cruel wind

As wisdom was swept away


O Despair and Faith,

Erase these anguished dreams of mine

At the glow of the twilight

I will walk

Towards the dawn

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9inety's picture

I hear the

yearning of your words



"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot