The Gift of Life is Death

When a man says,

“I wish to live eternally,”

I shake my head

And walk away.


But what would you

Possibly do

If you had lived

Through all the coming days?


It all started

When man tried

To find a cure

For death.


Little did they know,

Laden with curiosity,

That if “cured”,

They would have wept.


I wanted to live for centuries,

I wanted to love for ages,

I wanted to have the joy of experiencing

All man’s best stages!


But now I am done;

I have lived 

For years aplenty,

And lived them well.


However, I was 

Ignorant of the fact

That my whimsically gay ways

Of debauchery and drinking

Would send me straight to hell.


So I asked for more years,

Fighting my tears,

To which the devil replied;

“This life is yours.”


So my soul was given form

And I was then reborn,

But a vicious cycle

Would soon be taking its course.


It seemed that an eternal life

Was a cursed one;

I had outlived all my lovers!

I had seen the passing 

Of many a friend!

My brother, on the verge of invincibility,

Had become mad with power!


All of this agony

Was completely unnecessary,

And it made me wish 

To be dead again!


But alas, I am immortal.

I cannot die.

When I think of how 

The very being that plagued me 

Was myself,

I begin to cry.


And then I start to believe

That this incurable “death” thing

Is really…

Mankind’s greatest gift

In disguise.


When a man speaks the words,

“I wish for immortality,”

Turn on your heel

And quickly walk away,


Because there is 

Nay a thing that you

Could possibly even 

Comprehend to do

If hexed with immortality;

Never once dying,

Not for the rest of your days...

allets's picture


is a big concept. After life a life forever - not the same as living on earth forever - I'd read everything ever written, write novels, make movies, earn wealth and mess with monsters badly - I'd end wars, start peace movements, and feed the hungry. Research would release the cures for cancer and combat the causes of cancer. The world would change from my anonymous interventions - I'd live on an Island and rule from there. Forever :D



Kristophales's picture


You are an amzing writer!

