Rena S

My Portfolio
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Chicago (suburb)

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I'm the girl hiding in the shadows. The girl you see but don't look at. I only express my feelings in my writing. I don't believe hell is worse then earth. I look normal on the outside. But on the inside I'm a very abnormal person. I've seen raw pain inside and out. I appear to be strong but I'm just as fragile as the next person.

About My Navel

Was once attached to the thing that tried to kill me.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

“If only tears can bring you back, I’d probably have you here by now.”

“The rain falls because the sky can no longer handle its weight. Tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain.” 

“I can pretend I’m not dying inside, but just so you know.. I am.” 

“She smiles with all that she has left, tears left undried. And though she has so much to say, she’ll bottle it all up inside.” 

“Not all scars show. Not all wounds heal. Sometimes you can’t always see the pain someone feels.”


Member for
12 years 48 weeks