Youthful flames
white hot tongues
Still flicker out to stroke
erogenous memories of days long gone
passions flared and dared
to accelerate life to limits unknown.
Now lost beyond recall that assumes insanely
wheeled vehicular velocity
down recondite pathways
towards mature boredom.
Aging forbearance,
tempered by fear,
recall motorized
hormonal impulse fade,
oddly muted by
squeak of bones and failed Cortex,
vibrating echo unleashed
energy-fed metalized emotion.
Fading past, neural connections
vaguely perceive a one-time urgency
ridden on cushioned spine of cycle thunder.
darkling twilight life,
denied passionate pursuits
and erotic entanglements;
"immature" forms of life
carry as ineluctable,
burdensome baggage
light -speed journey,
unfettered youth dismount
raging, snorting stallion
stable it in some pleasantly remembered,
quiet pasture to graze.
Not a stranger, well accepted
rheumy disconnect ironic life;
proud stallion sits in my garage,
monster on two wheels rejected
reaches 60 miles an hour in 2.9 seconds.
mad, inertial doom arrested,
failure to wake it one last time.
ignite great explosions
psychological defiance
amid the burnt cinders, decelerating life
, it sits there patiently lurking,
malevolently plotting
, a cataclysmic death-wish in the making.
All I need to do is sit upon its saddle,
turn the key and stroke it from its slumbers.
Who knows but death may be
a better lover in this fatally erotic form?
A coital moment, 2.9 seconds from infinity, beckons.
So did I
I have to take this one slow.