Tempo of Sighs

Let me feel you hold me

my senses come alive

Bringing forth as always

the tempo of my sighs

Let your hands caress me

hot breath upon my skin

Feel my heart start racing

from the passion that's within

Let our clothes fall to the floor

create a messy pile

Lips and fingers find a place

to linger for awhile

Let your eyes look in my own

to see what lies in there

Hear my whimpering, begging moans

while fingers stroke my hair.

Feel my breast against your chest,

my skin against your skin

Arching up to meet you

as the fire explodes within.

Cuddling up against you

as the fire slowly dies

Bringing forth as always,

the tempo of my sighs.

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John Strugnell's picture

Again, just a wonderful peice of writing. So much emotion caught in this. not something i find very easy to express in my own writing. commendable.