I'm in the imaginary arms, of the person i love,
for he does not hold me,kiss, me, or love me
like i love him.
always did,
would forever,
and this makes me sad
it makes me feel terrible
on a somewhat constant basis,
On one hand i love him,
and therefore he deserves this love
but why don't i get loved in return
this sounds like some classic story
Of a one way love
where someones always hurt
and someones always guilty.
But as much as this love can destroy me,
and definitely break my heart
i still want him to be happy
even if that means a life without me
and i will replay the memories of our love
forever in my head
and though it shall be accompanied
by pain
i'll know i did the right thing.
but for now i'm just confused,
not sure what step to take
wondering if i'll be broken again