
There's an engagement in the family,
he asked her hand today,
my daughter plans to marry
the boy two doors away.
The matrimonial home's discussed,
they've pointed out the street.
It's centrally located
near shops for food and meat.
T'will be a long engagement,
the date they cannot fix
for the boy has just turned seven
and my little girl is six.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written many years ago.

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a.griffiths57's picture

    A really endearing poem,



A really endearing poem, just loved the plot; I hope their plans worked out. Liked your poem very much brought a smile to my face.

Cleo's picture

haha...that's Kid's for

haha...that's Kid's for you!!!! X)

My Nephew was like that too
- the fella stole his fathers wedding ring and put it on his 5 year old girlfriend... such a crack up!!!