The heart of the land is crying,
it's soul is in such pain,
its bitterness is tactile,
you can feel it in the rain.
Its flesh is torn and battered.
Its breath is filled with gall.
It affects the vegetation
harming creatures, great and small.
A fatal kind of sickness
that no bandages can fix,
no salve that's been invented,
no balm that chemists mix
All the fabric of our culture
is torn beyond repair.
No clever seamstress sewing
can make it fit to wear.
Needs more than brand new garments,
needs new motives and desires
where money takes a back seat,
where selfish greed retires.
Only love can mix the potion
that can heal this aching earth,
the one and only lotion
that can stimulate re-birth.
I know a time that's coming
when love will pour like rain.
The land so sad, dejected,
will smile and laugh again.
Dear Eunice,
there is a wonderful group.. Tas Talking
(for tasmania)
full of posters ready for your message
of Mother Earth compassion
thank you