No time, no time to follow the flight

Of a bird in the sky aloft,

No time, no time to ponder the sight

Of the billow of cloudmass soft.

No time to stand in the forest grand

Where the pine sings the tree-top psalm.

No time at all to answer the call

Of the wild hill's rolling charm.

No time to pass in the fragrant grass

Immersed deep in a world of dream.

No time to gaze in the morning haze

By a bubbling, tumbling stream.

No time to explore the briny shore

Where the sucking surf comes sweeping,

Where white-breast gulls on currents soar

With hearts full of joyous leaping.

No time to hold a summertime flower

And smile at its beauty so bright,

To breathe earth fresh after summer shower

As it bathes in the sun's delight.

No time to stand in the velvet night,

Its soft, soothing balm absorb,

Arrayed in cascades of silver light

From bright face of its smiling orb.

No time, no time for such pleasures pure,

Cruel dollar's a hard task-master.

He keeps us forever insecure

And prods us on, harder, faster.

No time have we rats to lazily drift,

We have to keep up the pace.

Our feet must run on the treadmill swift

To come first in the human race!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

As one poet put it...We have no time to stand and stare...What a shame!

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Jay S's picture

Hi,great poem. It's very relatable to the everyday lives of people. Your insight and imagery are good too.

Karyn Indursky's picture

I agree with you about their not being enough time. It seems like as much as we accomplish in a day, we accomplish even less. We may be productive with materalistic things, but not with nature and fellow people. It would be delightful to be able to not worry about doing this and that while drinking in the marrow of life. Yet, to life in this world one must pass up fun for being in our chaotic rat race. Thanks for the insightful, well written poem.

Melvin Lee II's picture

Thanxs for sharing this Race, Eunice.
I see it everywhere in Singapore too, and it is indeed saddening to see my students obsessed in this pursuit.

Bianca Boonstra's picture

I agree with you. It seems that with a great distance from each other, we share the same point of view. All people strssing around - it is bad for their hearts. They ignore everything, to gain more wealth...in fact they are poor.

Thanks for sharing and your nice comment for my poem.
With regards, Bianca

Christine M's picture

A quote I saw but can't remember who said it read: The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you are still a rat.

Butch Lesley's picture

Thanks for taking time to read on my page. You speak a lot of truth in this poem. I have come to the point where I now take time to enjoy some of the things you mention here.
As my Down Syndrome soun says, I BE HAPPY.

Sandy Cowan's picture

Such is the way of the World.
Never mind, for those of us who realise it there is always a moment here and there to appreciate what's going on around us.