So many clouds rushing over the sea want to interpenetrate the
Continents. The NSA wants to be an interlocutor with all of us;
Somebody’s always sticking something where it doesn’t belong.
Even when we floated blissfully in the womb there was someone
Poking to get us out. Perhaps there is a bit of snoatiness in all of us;
After all, we feed on the grubs of earth with our porcine snoats.
In July lightening cannot help itself penetrate the sky; spematazoa
Likewise wants to enter as well. Carpenters and joiners are always
Putting so many pieces of wood together with penetrating nails.
The biggest interlocution was between God and the Devil over Job;
The reason the devil gets involved is because he penetrates the details
Of our life. The devil was the original buttinski and the origin of ruts.
Interstitial cracks cry out for filling and of course, nature abhors a vacuum;
So let us infer that the intercourse we have with each other is not for
Passing through but for joining. Seeming separation is but a ruse of this.
Many secrets are hidden between prime numbers and between spirals of
The Fibonacci series. Hundreds of scientists are working in basements
Trying to unwrap the foil surround so many balls of tangled enigmas
At night our eyes penetrates the heavens and we can see so many stars;
It is not that the dawn robs us of that vision, it is only because our father
Sun wants us to hear the interlocution between him and mother earth.
Sai you are a genius